Computational Linguistics
Turney, P.D., and Mohammad, S.M. (2019), The natural selection of words: Finding the features of fitness. PLOS ONE, 14 (1): e0211512.
Schoenick, C., Clark, P., Tafjord, O., Turney, P., and Etzioni, O. (2017), Moving Beyond the Turing Test with the Allen AI Science Challenge. Communications of the ACM, 60 (9), 60-64.
Turney, P.D. (2017), Leveraging term banks for answering complex questions: A case for sparse vectors, CoRR abs/1704.03543.
Mohammad, S.M., Shutova, E., and Turney, P.D. (2016), Metaphor as a medium for emotion: An empirical study, Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2016), pages 23–33, Berlin, Germany, August 11-12, 2016.
Jauhar, S.K, Turney, P.D., and Hovy, E. (2016), Tables as semi-structured knowledge for question answering, Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 474-483, Berlin, Germany, August 7-12, 2016.
Jauhar, S.K., Turney, P.D., and Hovy, E. (2016), TabMCQ: A Dataset of General Knowledge Tables and Multiple-choice Questions. CoRR abs/1602.03960.
Clark, P., Etzioni, O., Khot, T., Sabharwal, A., Tafjord, O., Turney, P., and Khashabi, D. (2016), Combining retrieval, statistics, and inference to answer elementary science questions, Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Arizona, USA, February 2016, pp. 2580-2586.
Turney, P.D., and Mohammad, S.M. (2015), Experiments with three approaches to recognizing lexical entailment, Natural Language Engineering, 21 (3), 437-476.
Zhu, X., Turney, P.D., Lemire, D., and Vellino, A. (2015), Measuring academic influence: Not all citations are equal, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 66 (2), 408-427.
Turney, P.D. (2014), Semantic Composition and Decomposition: From Recognition to Generation, National Research Council of Canada, Technical Report.
Turney, P.D. (2013), Distributional semantics beyond words: Supervised learning of analogy and paraphrase, Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), 1, 353-366.
Mohammad, S.M., and Turney, P.D. (2013), NRC Emotion Lexicon, National Research Council of Canada, Technical Report.
Mohammad, S.M., and Turney, P.D. (2013), Crowdsourcing a word-emotion association lexicon, Computational Intelligence, 29 (3), 436-465.
Mohammad, S.M., Dorr, B.J., Hirst, G., and Turney, P.D. (2013), Computing lexical contrast, Computational Linguistics, 39 (3), 555-590.
Turney, P.D. (2012), Domain and function: A dual-space model of semantic relations and compositions, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 44, 533-585.
Jurgens, D.A., Mohammad, S.M., Turney, P.D., and Holyoak, K.J. (2012), SemEval-2012 Task 2: Measuring degrees of relational similarity, First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Montreal, Canada, June 2012, pp. 356–364.
Neuman, Y., Turney, P.D., and Cohen, Y. (2012), How language enables abstraction: A study in computational cultural psychology, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 46 (2), 129-145.
Turney, P.D., Neuman, Y., Assaf, D., and Cohen, Y. (2011), Literal and metaphorical sense identification through concrete and abstract context, Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 2011, pp. 680-690.
Turney, P.D. (2011), Analogy perception applied to seven tests of word comprehension, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 23 (3), 343-362.
Mohammad, S.M., and Turney, P.D. (2010), Emotions evoked by common words and phrases: Using Mechanical Turk to create an emotion lexicon, Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text, June 2010, LA, California, 26-34.
Turney, P.D., and Pantel, P. (2010), From frequency to meaning: Vector space models of semantics, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 37, 141-188.
Girju, R., Nakov, P., Nastase, V., Szpakowicz, S., Turney, P., and Yuret, D. (2009), Classification of semantic relations between nominals, Language Resources and Evaluation, 43 (2), 105-121.
Turney, P.D. (2008), The latent relation mapping engine: Algorithm and experiments, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 33, 615-655.
Turney, P.D. (2008), A uniform approach to analogies, synonyms, antonyms, and associations, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008), Manchester, UK, pp. 905-912.
Turney, P.D. (2007), Empirical Evaluation of Four Tensor Decomposition Algorithms, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1152.
Girju, R., Nakov, P., Nastase, V., Szpakowicz, S., Turney, P., and Yuret, D. (2007), SemEval-2007 Task 04: Classification of semantic relations between nominals, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval 2007), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 13-18.
Turney, P.D. (2006), Similarity of semantic relations, Computational Linguistics, 32 (3), 379-416.
Turney, P.D. (2006), Expressing implicit semantic relations without supervision, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Coling/ACL-06), Sydney, Australia, pp. 313-320.
Turney, P.D. (2006), Method and apparatus for automatically identifying keywords within a document, Canadian Patent 2,236,623.
Nadeau, D., Turney, P.D., and Matwin, S. (2006), Unsupervised named-entity recognition: Generating gazetteers and resolving ambiguity, Proceedings of the 19th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI-06), Quebec City, Canada, pp. 266-277.
Nadeau, D., Sabourin, C., De Koninck, J., Matwin, S., Turney, P.D. (2006), Automatic dream sentiment analysis, Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Aesthetics at the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06), Boston, USA.
Turney, P.D. (2005), Measuring semantic similarity by latent relational analysis, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 1136-1141.
Turney, P.D., and Littman, M.L. (2005), Corpus-based learning of analogies and semantic relations, Machine Learning, 60 (1-3), 251-278.
Nadeau, D., and Turney, P.D. (2005), A supervised learning approach to acronym identification, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-05), Victoria, Canada, pp. 319-329.
Turney, P.D. (2004), Human-Level Performance on Word Analogy Questions by Latent Relational Analysis, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1118.
Turney, P.D., Littman, M.L., Bigham, J., and Shnayder, V. (2004), Combining independent modules in lexical multiple-choice problems, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III: Selected Papers from RANLP 2003, Eds: N. Nicolov, K. Botcheva, G. Angelova, and R. Mitkov, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (CILT), 260, John Benjamins, pp. 101-110.
Turney, P.D. (2004), Word sense disambiguation by Web mining for word co-occurrence probabilities, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text (SENSEVAL-3), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 239-242.
Turney, P.D., and Littman, M.L. (2003), Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 21 (4), 315-346.
Turney, P.D., Littman, M.L., Bigham, J., and Shnayder, V. (2003), Combining independent modules to solve multiple-choice synonym and analogy problems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-03), Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 482-489.
Turney, P.D. (2003), Coherent keyphrase extraction via Web mining, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-03), Acapulco, Mexico, 434-439.
Turney, P.D., and Littman, M.L. (2003), Learning Analogies and Semantic Relations, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1103.
Turney, P.D. (2002), Method and apparatus for automatically identifying keywords within a document, United States Patent 6,470,307.
Turney, P.D. (2002), Mining the Web for Lexical Knowledge to Improve Keyphrase Extraction: Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1096.
Turney, P.D. (2002), Thumbs up or thumbs down? Semantic orientation applied to unsupervised classification of reviews, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 417-424.
Turney, P.D., and Littman, M.L. (2002), Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Orientation from a Hundred-Billion-Word Corpus, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1094.
Turney, P.D. (2001), Answering subcognitive Turing Test questions: A reply to French, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 13 (4), 409-419.
Turney, P.D. (2001), Mining the Web for synonyms: PMI-IR versus LSA on TOEFL, Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-2001), Freiburg, Germany, pp. 491-502.
Turney, P.D. (2000), Learning algorithms for keyphrase extraction, Information Retrieval, 2 (4), 303-336.
Turney, P.D. (1999), Learning to Extract Keyphrases from Text, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1057.
Turney, P.D. (1997), Extraction of Keyphrases from Text: Evaluation of Four Algorithms, National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, Technical Report ERB-1051.