Research Themes
Open-ended Evolution
Open-ended Evolution
Turney, P.D. (2020), Symbiosis promotes fitness improvements in the Game of Life. Artificial Life, 26 (3), 338–365.
Turney, P.D. (2018), Conditions for major transitions in biological and cultural evolution, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Open-Ended Evolution (OEE3) at the 2018 Conference on Artificial Life, Tokyo, Japan.
Turney, P.D. (2000), A simple model of unbounded evolutionary versatility as a largest-scale trend in organismal evolution, Artificial Life, 6, 109-128.
Turney, P.D. (1999), Increasing evolvability considered as a large-scale trend in evolution, Proceedings of the 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-99) Workshop Program, pp. 43-46.